miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2018


My writings don't have so many mistakes. The truth is that it almost doesn't complicate me to write, i really like it a lot.
The mistakes that i had in my writings were more grammatical than anything, and some badly written bad words but those were mostly because i didn't pay attention to what i wrote.
What i would do next would be to pay more attention to what i write, and read it one more time before handing it in so that i can tell if it makes sense what i wrote or not.

tv blog

It was a hard work because we need to search for different information and images to do the blog. But also it was pretty fun and interesting to search for all this kind of information about tv shows. 


My speaking projects were doing one or two for each part, sometimes they were in teams, couples, and other indivual times. When it was a couple sometimes we had to make separate videos and put them together since we didn't have time to get together to record.
In none of my speaking did i read, One was an interview about basic things about us, what school we came from and so on. Another was a small conversation about making plans to go to the theater or the cinema. The last one was also a discussion but where we were going to go on vacation and plans for the future.
The speakings were sometimes funny to do. The only problem was how to upload it to You Tube or something like that since sometimes the link didn't work. Another problem was the organization with the team since we didn't coincide in the schedules. It's the only thing that i would improve.