miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2019

random act of kindness

A random act of kindness it is an altruistic action that any person or group of people can do and as consequence comes to benefit society and the environment. By altruist I mean having the desire or pleasure to do good or help others without receiving somethings in return.
Our random act of kindness is tried to spread post its throughout the school that contained motivational captions to increase the self-esteem of others or also the post its said some compliments. My experience was very nice because many people were at first confused because they aren’t used to be given that type of messages but then they were very grateful to have received those words. Also I watch my friend’s reactions and they were so happy to receive compliments because is something that they don’t hear it daily.
The improve or change I would like to make is to say 10 or more compliments per day. Also and the most important work on increasing myself love day by day. I am going to make some routines and mantras to used it in my daily life.

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